Valencia Community College Building #10
Valencia Community College Building #10, Orlando, Florida. The project includes a 60,000 SF Corporate Training & Classroom Building to be located at the West Campus of Valencia Community College. The structure is precast concrete bearing walls, hollow core plank floors, interior steel columns and beams, a steel joist and metal deck roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The construction budget is approximately $13,000,000.
UF-354 Sun Terrace Expansion
UF-354 Sun Terrace Expansion, University of Florida, Health Science Center. This project consists of a 5,500 SF addition to the existing Sun Terrace Facility. The addition will house new food service venues and a coffee venue. Also, a covered walkway to connect the new building, existing Sun Terrace building, the Stetson Gallery and the HSC library will be designed. The site is an active terrace/roof deck with offices and classroom functions below. The construction cost is approximately $3,000,000.
Winegard Elementary School
Winegard Elementary School, Orlando, Florida. The project is an approximately 14,180 SF, two-story school building. The structure is precast concrete bearing walls, precast hollowcore floor and roof system and a monolithic concrete slab foundation.
Pleasant Hill Elementary School,
Pleasant Hill Elementary School, Kissimmee, Florida. This project is a single story 20-plex school building. The structure is precast concrete bearing walls, a premanufactured metal roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation
Ventura Elementary School
Ventura Elementary School, Orlando, Florida. The project is a two-story 20-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 120 mph.
Coquina Elementary School
Coquina Elementary School, Titusville, Florida. The project is a one-story 10-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast pre-manufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 140 mph.
Mims Elementary School
Mims Elementary School, Mims, Florida. The project is a one-story 12-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 170 mph.
Imperial Elementary School
Imperial Elementary School, Titusville, Florida. The project is a one-story 12-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast pre-manufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 140 mph.
Chickasaw Elementary School
Chickasaw Elementary School, Orlando, Florida. The project is a two-story 20-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 120 mph.
Apopka Elementary School
Apopka Elementary School, Apopka, Florida. The project is a two-story 20-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast pre-manufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 120 mph.
Riverside Elementary School
Riverside Elementary School, Orlando, Florida. The project is a two-story 20-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 120 mph.
Olympia High School
Olympia High School, Orlando, Florida. The project is a two-story 28-plex structure with precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation. The building is designed for wind speeds up to 120 mph.
Southwest Middle School
Southwest Middle School, Orlando, Florida. The project is a two-story 20-plex prototype education building. The structure is precast concrete bearing walls, a precast pre-manufactured floor and roof system, and a monolithic concrete slab foundation.
OCPS Lake Nona Classroom Facility
OCPS Lake Nona Classroom Facility, Orange County, Florida. The building is a two-story, 18,200 SF classroom facility for Orange County Public Schools. The structure is precast concrete bearing walls, a precast premanufactured floor and roof systems and a monolithic concrete slab foundation.